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Taylor Seed Catalogue

This seed catalogue was started in 2018. Each year we expand or try new varieties – with advice from the gardening community.

How the Seed Catalogue works

Our motto is – Take some, leave some for others! If you are looking to share, swap, or try different varieties of vegetable and/or flower seeds, you are quite welcome to look through what we have. These seeds are FREE for those who wish to create or grow their very own garden.

Your suggestions and/or advice are also welcome. Perhaps someone would like to create a garden group to share ideas with others. Let us know what we can do to help out.

Happy Gardening!

More resources (external links)

National Center for Home Food Preservation. This website contains sources for current research-based recommendations for most methods of home food preservation. It also contains “how to” guides for canning, freezing, drying, curing and smoking, fermenting, making pickles, jams and jellies. And more information on storing your finished product!

Bernardin Home Canning: Everything you need to know to preserve…. : This website has a product list, ‘How to’ guides, recipes, and more useful links to help you on your way to preserving your own food.